Browse Month

September 2024

5 Reasons Why Sex is Painful: Uncovering Penetration Phobia

Anticipating pain while using tampons or the idea of sexual intercourse can be distressing and confusing. For many, this pain can be linked to a condition known as penetration phobia or genitopelvic pain/penetration disorder.

Understanding the underlying causes is essential for finding relief and improving quality of life. Here are five key reasons why tampons and sex might be painful, and shedding light on penetration phobia.
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Understanding Why IVF Fails Even with Good Embryos

You completed an In vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycle with high hopes. However, a negative result can devastate you. Don’t worry, It’s not the end. Consider it to be the beginning of the next chapter.

IVF is a complex process that involves multiple steps, each with the potential to impact success rates. Even with the presence of high-quality embryos, many couples face the disappointment of failed IVF cycles.

In this blog post, we will cover the various factors that can contribute to IVF failure and why IVF fails despite the good embryos being selected.

Embryo Quality:

Although having good embryos is essential, it’s important to note that even the best embryos have differing implantation potential. The evaluation of segregating varying degrees of embryo is a complex process (also known as embryo grading). Further, the true potential of an embryo may not always be accurately assessed.
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The Role of Uterine Environment & Maternal Health in IVF Failure with Good Embryos

In vitro fertilisation (IVF) offers hope to many couples struggling with infertility. However, even with high-quality embryos, not all IVF cycles result in a successful pregnancy.

Out of the several other factors determining the success of IVF, the womb of the women i.e. the uterine environment and maternal health play critical roles. Understanding these factors can help couples and healthcare providers navigate the challenges of IVF failure and plan for future attempts.

How the Uterine Environment Favors Pregnancy

The uterine environment must be optimal for an embryo to implant and develop into a healthy pregnancy. Several factors contribute to a favourable uterine environment:
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