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PCOS Treatment in Bangalore

Depressed Woman - NU Fertility

ERA Test for Repeated Failure of Pregnancy

Endometrial Receptivity Analysis or ERA test is a test used to assess the uterine lining receptivity in women who have experienced multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive. By analyzing the optimal time with maximum chances of embryo implantation during IVF,, this test can help to determine the optimal timing for embryo transfer, thus increasing the likelihood of successful pregnancy in women with recurrent miscarriage.

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Doctor Preparing Growing Embryos - NU Fertility

How to Prepare for an Embryo Transfer

An embryo transfer is the first step of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Embryo transfer involves the fertilization of eggs outside the body and the transfer of the embryos into the uterus to achieve a pregnancy. Preparing for embryo transfer is a crucial step in the journey of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Proper preparation is essential to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy. In this blog, we will explore the steps to prepare for embryo transfer, covering various aspects to ensure a smooth and successful procedure.

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Woman Suffering Pelvic Pain - NU Fertility

PCOS and Fertility: Everything You Need to Know

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a health condition that affects women of childbearing age.

In this condition, the ovaries tend to produce excess androgens, a male sex hormone that is usually present in small amounts in women. The name, polycystic ovarian syndrome, describes numerous small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) in the ovaries.

However, these are different from the other ovarian cysts which require surgery. PCOS can have an impact on a woman’s overall health as well as their physical appearance. Although common, PCOS is often a treatable condition.

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